Sedimentological evidence for stacked paleo-thaw (thermokarst) lake successions in Western Europe

Sedimentological evidence for stacked paleo-thaw (thermokarst) lake successions in Western Europe Sedimentary successions of Last Glacial age in Europe show evidence of episodic presence of permafrost, by a range of…

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The Late Cretaceous diamondiferous pyroclastic kimberlites from the Fort à la Corne (FALC) field, Saskatchewan craton, Canada: Petrology, geochemistry and genesis

The Late Cretaceous (ca. 100 Ma) diamondiferous Fort à la Corne (FALC) kimberlite field in the Saskatchewan (Sask) craton, Canada, is one of the largest known kimberlite fields on Earth…

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Petrogaphy is the detailed systematic description and classification of rocks. Petrography is largely a descriptive science. Identification of minerals, structures and textures is typically done in hand specimen and in…

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