Since 2009 Dr. Jens M. Warnsloh is frequently involved in exploration campaigns for different commodities. The campaigns differ in financial volume as well as in the sizes of the used drill rigs – hand drilling for soil, small trucks for coring up to several 100 m, until work on medium rigs for retrieving cuttings and drill cores from up to 2000 m depth.
Managed tasks during projects with core retrieval:
- drilling supervision (material and staff)
- technical depth control and geological depth assignment of core pieces
- core recovery record
- low-level core logging at well site
- high-level core evaluation and photographic documentation at core storage
- determination of sample intervals for chemical analysis and sorting tests
- development and adjustment of SOPs (standard operation procedures)
- data collection and management for the development of drill logs

Managed tasks during projects with cuttings retrieval:
- sampling of cuttings
- depth assignment of cuttings (lag-time)
- manual preparation of cuttings for description, storage and shipping
- petrographic / microscopic description of cuttings
- photographic documentation of cuttings
- sample determination for chemical analysis
- supervision of junior staff